Olive Qutub

Celebrating 15 years with its new fabulous menu which is filled with amazing new dishes & classic favorites. The story began 15 years ago when the people of Delhi first came upon an enchanted Mediterranean world. A pebbled sunlight courtyard, where laughter & conversation flowed in between courses of delicious food & fine wine. Today, as the sun still shines on the white-walled restaurant of our dreams. It’s just a paradise, laid back café with strains of jazz wafted through the air as the aroma of delicious food. Everything has placed so perfectly in the gorgeous haveli under the shade of the majestic Qutub & the banyan tree in its courtyard. The wine picnic Sunday Brunch, the tasting lab, sundowners, molecular, gastronomy, farm to fork dinners, Radio Cairo & burlesque nights. The laughter & camaraderie still flows along with wine and conversation here. It’s gorgeous courtyard makes people fell in love, from flea by night to Med Mosaic nights and lavish brunches to food festivals, the parties at Olive Qutub have always been legendary. Right from opening to closing, and at times way beyond @chiefdhruvoberoi makes the experience more authentic as he Amidst the flurry in the kitchen, he ensures that the esteemed guest wouldn’t be left feeling salty. He’s always in cavalry and make staff available at their toes. My personal favorite is to have rose wine with wooden oven pizza on any afternoon in its courtyard. The very old banyan, stands surrounded by sangria and conversation for 15years now as like in awe of a fading poet, yet in love with the man of her dreams. The stories come and go, but our beloved banyan listens on. There’s always to be said about the colour white at Olive Qutub, there’s a lot to be said about it. Take a look around and you might think you’re obsessed. There walls are white washed, so are the stairs. The décor accents are white, as is the bicycle by the gate. Flowers, shelves, candelas, mirror frames and crockery. You guessed it right “White”. The love for the colour is just one of the ways which give Olive Qutub its Characteristic vibe. The other, is through there award-winning Med-Inspired fare. Besides food, there are other things even to love there like beautiful species of fishes in their pond. It is a truth universally acknowledged that a woman of reputable stature, must in her armoire, possess a sturdy pair of wedges “Especially if she plans to frequent Olive Qutub”. Over the years if there pebbled courtyard has been the downfall of many a stilettoed damsel. Although, it could have very well been the glasses of its sangria, which has over the years, gained quite a reputation for itself as well. In 2004, it was also listed as one of the best new restaurants of the world.

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